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concentrated mass中文是什么意思

用"concentrated mass"造句"concentrated mass"怎么读"concentrated mass" in a sentence


  • 集中质量


  • Vibration of uniform and nonuniform rods connected to a concentrated mass
  • Rapid motions of stars and gas around the galaxy ' s center betray the presence of a concentrated mass equal to that of 2 . 6 million suns
  • According to two - dimension flow continuity , momentum equations , suspended sand diffusion equations and two - phase flow bed sand motion equations , hydraulic - dynamics sediment accumulation mathematical model between two impounding dams was set up by adopting the methods of weighting and concentrating masses
  • The compute model of shafts of the machines is built by adopting concentrated mass method . taking into account the different support conditions of the shafts that workshop is considered as rigidity or elasticity ; the natural characteristic and unbalanced response of the shafts are computed by integrating with high stable riccati transfer matrix method
用"concentrated mass"造句  


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